Sunday, May 2, 2010

Adventures in the South

This is going to be a busy week for us.  We're headed first to my parents' house in Lewisville, where we'll help pack up the house for the big upcoming move (the first in twelve years - a record, since we moved all the time when I was a kid and the longest we stayed in one place was eight years).  After that, we're headed out to Oxford, Mississippi (home of my first literary nemesis, William Faulkner - I still haven't reconciled myself to The Sound and the Fury) for my brother-in-law Scott's graduation from Ole Miss

We plan to take lots of pictures on our way out there, though we won't blog as we go.  Expect plenty of updates when we get back next weekend!

(the pic below is of the Ole Miss campus - gakked off the interwebs, of course, since I've never been)

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